Friday, August 1, 2014

                                                             "CRACKPOT ROYALTY"
              When everybody has to do as you say, you can get away with some very strange behaviour.

 Englush King Henry VIII (1491-1547) had a servant whose job was to wipe his bottom when he pooped.
The son of Spanish King Phillip II, Don Carlos (1545-1568) once forced a shoemaker to eat a pair of boots that were badly made.

Ludwig II of Bavaria (1845-1886) was obsessed with swans, and surrounded himself with pictures and statues of them.

True Facts About The Owl



The great ancient Roman leader,Julius Caesar,left,(100-44 B.C.) who conquered many lands,was said to have been captured by pirates when on his way to school as a boy, but charmed his way to freedom.

Ancent Greek leader, Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.), forged an empire covering 1½ million square miles over three continents. 

Alexander was tough,but when he was attacking Petra in present-day Jordan, he had ice brought from the mountains each day so he'd always have cool drinks.

                           "REAL SUPERHEROES"

There are many ways to be a hero. To some, great conquerors are heroes. Others prefer brave explorers or champions of the poor.

George Washington (1732-1799)was the first President of the United States and the only one ever to be elected unanimously. But he had to borrow the money to go to his own inauguration.
